
We have really enjoyed this course and feel it is really tailored to our breed of dog. It helped massively having discussion based training for us and not just the dog. I didn’t realise how much theory helps as well as the practical.
— Gina Burnell & Matt Jones & Duke, Springador
A great insight into gundog training, a marked improvement in training, so different than any other dog training classes. Enjoyed by myself and my pup.
— Vicky Phillips & Isla, German Short Haired Pointer
Really enjoyed the classes and was very surprised how much progress was made in such a short space of time in a high distraction environment. Great to hear how the training relates to pet dogs.
— Fiona Hodges & Bronte, English Springer Spaniel
Being a re-homed dog and 6 years old with unknown background, I had very limited expectations but Gussie has come on enormously. I would definitely highly recommend Sarah’s classes.
— Penny Brandler & Gussie, German Short Haired Pointer
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Course enjoyed v. much by both us and our dog. we feel he has made great progress. the mix of discussion, demo and practice works very well. we also appreciated the written notes as a reminder. many thanks
— Steve, Jackie & Lewis, English Springer Spaniel
Really enjoyed it.
— Mary Hilder & Willow, Cocker Spaniel